how can i get oracle certifications logo?
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Answer / 71408
If u gt ur certificate from Oracle then they should
mentioned ur username and Password if u login to that one u
can find ur logo ....
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Answer / sac
When u clear the exam , oracle will send u succes kit which
conatins url with username and password. Go there and
download logos. U can also request for logos after filling
application form, then oracle ll send logos on ur email id.
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i want to do oracle certification..could any one pleas tell me what is the level 1 certification exam in oracle? how do we get dumps?
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I am an engineering student and this is my final year. so i m planing of doing OCA certification course. is this time good? are there future scope for it?
Hi All..! This is Ratna,Im working as a Oracle apps Technical Consultant with 2yrs of experience.I started working on Hrms module,I feel like going for functional certification in HRMS module.Can any one suggest me on the below questions 1. how many papers are there for Oracle HRMS certification, and what is fees for each paper. 2. can a person pass the paper by reading the related documention provided by oracle. 3. do anybody have bunch of questons for oracle HRMS and like to share.
Hi. I wish to appear for OCA exam. Can anyone pls guide me on the syllabus n fee structure of the exam. I know that there are 2 tracks : developer and dba. What is the difference between the two? All suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
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Hi , I am planning to take up OCA certification.Can you please provide me with the path for Oracle DBA certi.If any one of you have dumps for same,please mail them to give me any tips if possible.
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hai, i think to do certification in oracle 11i. Can any one help me regarding fee, duration , preparation, and how much it is use full for getting a good job.
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How to prepare for doing OCA and is there books or any model questions or any site which helps us fro preparing our own? Please give me the complete information if possible.