Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.
4 11148Post New Syntel Interview Questions
How do we call a stored procedure from jdbc?
from where i get mortar pastle for glass bottle crush? it's required for testing of it?
Why mosquito bites?
How can I display all the inventory vars defined for my host?
Why singleton beans are not thread safe?
What is the role of sessionfactory?
What is enterprise edition of visual studio?
What is back stitching?
Name the bond linking L chain and H chain?
What is the class that allows an element to be accessed using unique key?
How can I run c program?
Differentiate between systematic and unsystematic risks?
What is the difference between the primary and unique key in mysql?
How can we handle web-based pop-up?
Is there any relation between cardinality and lead selection?