how do we categorize the test cases for regression testing?
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who assigns siverity for a bug? is it test engnr, test lead or devlopment lead?
Explain v-model clearly ? how it works in real time on a project?
can anyone give FULL DETAILS on ATM scenarios, test cases and test cases PURPOSES
Difference between Severity & Priority?
IS V Model a Process model or a Technique ? Can V process/Technique if answer for above be implemented in WaterFall Model.
Explain your web application archtechture?
How does your preferred work style work with the ideal test-manager role that you just described? What is different between the way you work and the role you described?
Give example for usability testing ?
what is independent question and what is retriewing and what is problem of severity.
name poneno dept sun 9894433467 computer This is the xls sheet a programs written to transfer this data into database write test cases and test scenario?
how u will write test case for system testing give me example
How do we decide scope for smoke and sanity testing?