In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?

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In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?..

Answer / bobbyiiit

Help -> diagnostics -> Examine
find the DFF name

Application developer -> responsibility -> Flexfields -> dff
-> segments

open the DFF, uncheck "freeze Flexfield"
check the checkbox enable
check "freeze Flexfield"

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 0 No

In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?..

Answer / manohar

Open the form.

go to Help>diagnostics>Examine>
enter these values

Block: $$descflex field$$
item: Dff Name(it is list of value select dff u want to
Text: It will display(Dff Description).( Copy this text

close the form.
go to Application developer
press f11
in the dff name field( Paste the text what we have copied
press Ctl+f11
go to segments. create your own structure and then compile
the flexfield.

thank u.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?..

Answer / bujji

Help -> diagnostics -> Examine
find the DFF name

Application developer -> responsibility -> Flexfields -> dff
-> segments

open the DFF, uncheck "freeze Flexfield"
check the checkbox enable
check "freeze Flexfield"

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?..

Answer / rajat

To enable the DFF on the form, follow the steps below.

Open the form using the form builder and write the following
code in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of the form. Standard
forms (already defined by oracle) will have this code
already present in the appropriate triggers.


Where BLOCK is the name of block containing DFF item
FIELD is the DFF item on form
APPL_SHORT_NAME is the short name of the application with
which the flex field is registered
DESC_FLEX_NAME is the name of the registered flexfield

Also write the following code in 'WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE' at
the form level:

The DFF would look like as shown in the figure 18 and figure
19 below depending upon the context value provided in the form

for further reference :

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

In a Standard form a DFF is disable?How we can Enable it?..

Answer / aparna

We can't able Enable/Disable a DFF Filed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

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