What is COMP SYNC?

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What is COMP SYNC?..

Answer / deepak goyal

Causes the item to be aligned on natural boundaries. Can be
For binary data items, the address resolution is faster if
they are located at word boundaries in the memory. For
example, on main frame the memory word size is 4 bytes.
This means that each word will start from an address
divisible by 4. If my first variable is x(3) and next one
is S9(4) COMP, then if you do not specify the SYNC clause,
S9(4) COMP will start from byte 3 ( assuming that it starts
from 0). If you specify SYNC, then the binary data item
will start from address 4. You might see some wastage of
memory, but the access to this computational field is

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What is COMP SYNC?..

Answer / padmanabha naidu.p

it will star with wordboundaries.while you are using sync
clause you wiil get slack bytes.

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What is COMP SYNC?..

Answer / anuradha


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