What rules are followed by the search verb.
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How to remove 2 duplicate records and copy only one using job control language?
have in 100 records in a flat file i want to move records like 1,3,5,7,9,11,.. to Output file1 and 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 .. records moved to Output file2..Pls Provide real time answer..
what is the default print format? in cobol
hi, can you ppl tell me, how to check whether the rewrite we gave for the ksds file is successful or not in the program.? i gave rewrite, the rewrite code is executing and maxcc=0 but updation doenot happen in the file?
i have the following varibles in the working storage 05 ws-A PIC X(30) VALUE 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRESTUVWXYZ ' 05 WS-B REDEFINES WS-A 10 WS-B1 PIC X(10). 10 WS-B2 PIC 9(10). 10 WS-B3 PIC X(10). If I Display B1, B2 and B3 respectively, what is the value displayed in B2
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What are the different rules for performing sort operation?
plz,could any one tell me? what about EBCDIC in cobol?briefly?
if a file has 1000 recods how copy the records from 1 to 100 records using sort
How to get the last record in vsam file in cluster? And how can you get the kids file records into your cobol program?
if a>b continue display x. dispaly y. end-if display 1 display 2. display 3. what should be my output ?
I want ALL ERROR codes in VSAM
3 Answers American Express, TCS,