can any body clearly explain about hybridframework with the
explanation for files what ever we come acros in this frame
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Answer / rajesh
Hybrid is the most successful automation framework that
accommodates both keyword driven and data driven scripts.
This allows the data driven scripts to take advantage of
powerful function libraries and utilities that usually
accompany keyword driven architecture. The framework
utilities make the data driven scripts more compact and less
prone to failures. The Utilities also facilitate the gradual
and manageable conversion of existing scripts to keyword
driven equivalents when and where appears desirable.
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Answer / hari
Hybrid Framwork is combination of both Modular and Key Word
driven frameowrks.Means by ussing both Reusable actions and
calling function as Key words to run a test.
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Answer / sandeep
Combination of windows application and web applications.
Hybrid frmaework is used when application to be tested is
not of specific is combiantion of both windows and
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3 Answers Aricent, Delhi University, TCS,
What is the difference in testing a client-server application and a web application?