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Answer / rohinibudda
Defect: it is a error or fault in the application after
delivery. it will be detected by the client or end users
Bug is is a error or fault in the application before
delivery of the product to the client or to the market.
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Answer / sireen
BUG: while Testing the application incase any mistakes
in the application is called Bug. we will get Testers hand
or developer place.
DEFECT :After develop the application incase any
mistakes in the application is called Defect. we will get
Clients developer place.
Interchanged the titles with same definition.They were
wrongly placed,so definition varied.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / aruna
While testing when a tester executes the test cases he
might observe that the actual test results do not match from
the expected results. The variation in the expected and
actual results is known as defects. Different organizations
have different names to describe this variation, commonly
defects are also known as bug, problem, incidents or issues.
Every incident that occurs during testing may not be a
defect or bug. Am incident is any situation in which the
software system has a questionable behavior, however we call
the incident a defect or bug only if the Root Cause is the
problem in the tested component.
Incidents can also occur by some other factors as well like
testers mistake in test setup, environment error, invalid
expected results etc.
We log these incidents just to keep track of the record of
what is observed during the testing so that we can find out
the solution to correct it.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / aakash
There is a slight difference between 'Defect' and 'Bug'.
Defect- A flaw or fault in the system that causes system failure (Deviation from requirement).
Once tester logs the defect and assigns to a developer (defect cycle) then the developer accepts the defect. This acknowledged defect by developer is called 'Bug' in the programe.
Bug- an error in the programme.
According to ISTQB, both terms are used interchangeably.
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Answer / n.ragav(persuing tester)
DEFECT :while Testing the application incase any mistakes
in the application is called Bug. we will get Testers hand
or developer place.
BUG: After develop the application incase any
mistakes in the application is called Defect. we will get
Clients developer place.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Well, I think that there is something else about it..
In this sense:
Defect - Is a not desired state found in documents,
diagrams and even code but not discovered testing the
application. A defect COULD anticipate a BUG and also avoid
BUG - A not desirable state of an application, found by
excercise the system in an phase dedicated to that.
(testing phase). If a BUG is not detected on time, it could
raise a FAILURE.
FAILURE - Something wrong with the application but found
after it was realeased and that fails some application
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sudhakar8
Bug: A catch all term for all software defects or errors
Defect: It is “A deviation from specification or standard”
or “Any thing that causes customer dissatisfaction
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Answer / pushpa
Defect:The defect is an error which we are getting when we
are using the application or performing some operation in
the application.Code must be there in the program but it is
not able to pass the value to the correct location or the
code is forwarding a page for which nothing is written in
the code.That is called a real time defect.
Bug:Bug is the run time exception,suppose we are going to
fix a defect and during working on the defect we got an
error such as a variable is using in capital letter or
small letter that type of confusion or variable is not
defined properly.That is specially called the bug.In this
case our application may run or may not.But that is called
a bug.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / nitu
defect - when developer devlope any type of application, at
that time those mistake occur within development is called
bug - after development of project at the time of
execution, any error occur then it is called as bug
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sita
Defect:The defect is an error which we are getting when we
are using the application or performing some operation in
the application.Code must be there in the program but it is
not able to pass the value to the correct location or the
code is forwarding a page for which nothing is written in
the code.That is called a real time defect.
Bug:Bug is the run time exception,suppose we are going to
fix a defect and during working on the defect we got an
error such as a variable is using in capital letter or
small letter that type of confusion or variable is not
defined properly.That is specially called the bug.In this
case our application may run or may not.But that is called
a bug.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
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