Hi, how can we retrieve a specific value from Excel Sheet
(Not datatable. for externel file).i mean to say from .xls
and also tell me from xml file and .doc file.
and how can u parameterize ur script from .xls file.(Not
data table).
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Hi I can divide ur question in to 3 parts
1. for xls file
2. for xml file
3. for doc file
1. For xls it is
GetCellData (Row, Column)
2. For XML
3. For Doc file it is
ReadLine( )
Any more querys in this then feel free to mail me to
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Answer / nidhi jain
first you need to import datatable
Datatable.import("datatablename with path")
after importing table you need to call get method
Datatable.getCellData('columnname','datatable type')
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