1)Difference between BO 5.1.2 and BO 6.5.1 and also BO XI
2)Difference between oracle 8i amd oracle 9i?
3)Difference between SQL and PL/SQL?
4)what is Broad cast Agent?
5)what is prompts?
6)master detail format means?
7)performance tuning of reports means?
8)ad-hoc reports means?
9)can't we generate reports without creating universe?

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1)Difference between BO 5.1.2 and BO 6.5.1 and also BO XI (R2)?? 2)Difference between oracle 8i am..

Answer / rajani

5)prompt is an enduser object,which allows the valus or
entering the values to restrict the data displayed in
4)Broad cast agent is refresh data and schedule the data in
report level.
6)master detail format means section,section means
eliminate tha duplicates and display data in seperate block
in the form of master detail relationship.
7)you can reduce the calculation and conditions in the
2) you can limit the cut copy phaste operations for user's
3) you can limit access no of report's at peek time you can
improve performence at report level

in model:

1)you can remove loop's at that time you can improve
performence at model level
2)use indexces you can improve performence

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

1)Difference between BO 5.1.2 and BO 6.5.1 and also BO XI (R2)?? 2)Difference between oracle 8i am..

Answer / abhishek

BO 5.1.2 had no Infoview.
BO 6.5.1 included Infoview, but no Crystal Report, CMC not
present, instead Supervisor(thick client) was used for
giving Users rights.
BO XI includes intgration with Crystal Reports, CMC (THin
Client) for managing Users, security and Profiles
Oracle 9i includes Bulk Inserts
Index Rename and Table Rename.

3) SQL is a 4 GL(Generation Language)
Pl/SQL is a 3 GL

5) Prompts are used for asking the user for Dynamic Inputs
while refreshing the Report.

9) Yes we can create reports without creating Universe.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

1)Difference between BO 5.1.2 and BO 6.5.1 and also BO XI (R2)?? 2)Difference between oracle 8i am..

Answer / perumal pandi

4) Broad cast agent is used schedule the reports through web

8) ad-hoc reports means with in the orgainsation user can
create reports by directly interact with IT peoples. That is
time depended reports not detailed reports

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