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Answer / saran
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what is static filter and dynamic filter
Ihave one report.Now i want to display that report as one row as one color and another row as another color.The entire report i need like that
How to solve the following errors coming in report development? 1.Syntax 2.multi value 3. #Error 4.computation and 5.Objects are not compatible
I have set of reports in BO4.0 and need to use "Hyperlink" functionality. I had to use native hyperlink functionality provided in BO4.0 but looks like it's available only in Rich Client.Currently,we have only Infoview B04.0 Launch Pad.Is OpenDoc the only hyperlink option on BO4.0 Launch Pad? Thank you.
How to link one location universe to other location universe
can you use inputbox in BOXI. e.g. checkbox,textbox etc.
What is a fantrap in business objects?
HI, can anybody tell me aggrigate awareness is only for aggrigate tables or if any?
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When to use local filter and when to use global filter?
how to overcome overflow of data in a report
what is profile and packages in BOXI??