When we use Object Spy?
can we write QTP script before built is came in testing?

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When we use Object Spy? can we write QTP script before built is came in testing?..

Answer / raj

When we use record and play back method in QTP, QTP
automatically identifies the objects and store them in
object repository. In some cases where QTP fails to
identify like alert windows, alert messages we use object
spy to capture the object manually.

In other cases like key word driven framework, while
creating the test scripts we use object spy and based on
the type and class of the objects, we can use the
respective keywords.

We can write QTP scripts before the build is released based
on the wireframes/mockups provided. If the
wireframes/mockups are not available, discuss with the
developers and know the nature of the objects. Based on
that we can create scripts. Ultimately the aim must be
independant or min. use of record and playback.

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When we use Object Spy? can we write QTP script before built is came in testing?..

Answer / rajendra

Using the Object Spy pointing hand mechanism, you can view
the supported properties and methods of any object in an
open application. As you move the pointing hand over the
objects in the application, their details are displayed in
the Object Spy. These details may include the test object's
hierarchy tree, its properties and values, and the methods
associated with the object. For methods, the syntax is also
displayed. In most environments, you can choose to view the
test object properties and methods or the run-time (native)
properties and methods.

Without Application in Hand , we can also write scripts
Subjected to All the properties of the objects must known
to you


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When we use Object Spy? can we write QTP script before built is came in testing?..

Answer / francis

The purpose of spy is to find which of the properties the
Qtp identifies for the particular control so that we can
manupulate using this properties
with out gui we can write script using descriptive progra
and also manupulate if the user knows the property of the

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