Can a view be mutating? If yes, then how?
What will be the output for the below Query Select 'High' from dual where null = null;
what is the difference between delete and truncate statement in sql? : Sql dba
Is sqlexception checked or unchecked?
How do you update a table in sql?
Explain the difference between 'between' & 'and' operators in sql
what are the advantages and disadvantages of views in a database? : Sql dba
If I have a table T with 4 rows & 2 columns A & B. A has values 1,2,3,4. and B has 10,20,30,40. Write an Update SQL query which can Swap the values of A & B for all records. (Do not use a sub-query)
Does sql*plus also have a pl/sql engine?
wirte a query to filter improper date format follwing table? date 20-apr 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010 feb-2009 i want the output date 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010
What is recursive join in sql?
What does count (*) mean in sql?
What is difference between sql and oracle?