What are the possible test cases/test scenario for Search
functionality ?
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Answer / ramu
1. check whether the cursor is in the text box at initial load of the page.
2. check whether the text box is at the top of the page.
3. check whether the text box is empty.
4. check whether the the text box should take alphabets,numeric values,special charectors.
5. check whether it can enter only n no.of charectors.
6. check the no.of results displays after the search.
7. check whether the read link was changed to VIOLET and unread link as BLUE.
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Answer / poornima
Search functionality applicable test cases:
1) Cursor position on starting position in search textbox
2) Search with valid and invalid inputs
3) Search with special characters ( like a* should gives
all responses starting with a) incase application is
providing this functionality.
4) Search results if more should be spread over different
pages with hyperlinks
5) Junk characters in search textbox
6) Search response time should be checked
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / haihyun
Thank for your answer. They are helpful for me.
I have some questions. Please answer for me:
1. How can I check search respond time.
2. How can I check page resolution.
3. How can I check whether the search text box is present on top and bottom of the page.
I am newbie. Hope people help me.
Thanks you :D
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ramprasad.s
click Search option, it opens a window
Test Scenarios in " what do you want to search for "
A. Test Scenario for picture, music & Video are
1 select Picture and Photos and press search button.
2 select Music and press search button.
3 select video and press search button.
2 select picture and photos with Music then press search
3 select Music and video and press search button.
4 select picture and photos with video and press search
5 select picture and photos,music, video and press
search button.
6 Enter file name and press search button
7 check above functionality terminates with stop button.
8 press "back" button and check the search option goes
9 release the advanced search option
1 press the search option to check the functionality.
2 press the back option to check the functionality.
similarly check other Test scenarios in "Search" option.
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