Can we insert in sql function?
what is “go” in t-sql? : Transact sql
What is crud stand for?
define different types of trigger. : Sql dba
Is there any restriction on the use of union in embedded sql?
What are all the different normalizations?
explain mysql aggregate functions. : Sql dba
What is NOCOPY?
What is sql partition function?
What is an index in sql with example?
can we write stored function in out parameters? how to call through select statement? how to written more than one value plz give the exmple?
Table name: T1, it has only one column. col1 ------ c b a b b b b d s a a t s Requirement: I need the following output from the above base table by using SQL query. col1 Cnt ----- ------- a 3 b 5 Others 5 Please help. Thanks Guru
How do we use distinct statement? What is its use?