What is nvarchar max in sql?
i want count no of values in a column i.e enam eempno phoneno x 1 (98765,09887,096561,87964579,156678,678900876) that means if i select phone no from table i want to get total count of phone numbers i.e 6
Is oracel sql developer written in java?
How do I trace sql profiler?
Is keyword pl sql?
how to give permission to users that users can update/insert/delete on a row of table on timeing 10am to 6pm only?
What can I use instead of union in sql?
How do I view a sql database?
Is time a data type in sql?
use of IN/ANY/ALL
What is pessimistic concurrency control? : Transact sql
What does dml mean?
What is pl/sql language case sensitive?