Do we need to rebuild index after truncate?
Is sql a backend language?
Which are the different types of indexes in sql?
What is the difference between null value, zero, and blank space?
What is the maximum number of triggers, you can apply on a single table?
What are the query optimization techniques?
What is the need of a partition key?
Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b 1 5 3 c 2 3 4 d 3 6 5 e 4 7 i want the output as empname mgrname a c b a c b d c e d
If we have n no of columns in a table, can we add new column in that table with not null constraint?
there are 2 variables called x and y ,x contains 1,2 and y contains 3,4 we have to swap the values from x to y and y to x with out using dummy variables and it can be done only by using a single statement ? how?
Give an example of Full Outer Join?
what is sql profiler? : Sql dba
can use the following like overloading concept in a single package: procedure p1(a varchar), procedure p1(a varchar2), procedure p1(a char)