How to execute the WR Script through QTP?
I have WinRunner script with initialization script, common
scripts, GUI AND functions. I connected WR through QTP
with "call to WinRunner" option but I am getting problem
after connecting to WinRunner i.e. showing "Do you want to
quit now" with 'yes' and 'No' message box
How can we QTP Scripts in xml format? is there any way to do so?
What are they Advantages and Disadvantages in QTP 9.2?
What are the 3 main stages involved in testing with qtp?
what questions i have to pripare for project manager round interview ? plz give Ans.(Chandana)
Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?
1) How will you associate SOR in Runtime? ( u had written 10 lines of code from 11th line u want associate what code u will write) 2) How will close n number of browser expect only one which is has to test? ( First tell me how will you identify how many browser are opened ) what logic u will use? 3) In web Table u want to click on link ( Link Name Mohamed ) you dont know in which row and column that link is there. how wil u identify and click on that link.
What is a runtime datatable ?
How can you find Local Host Name by Using QTP?
There is web page with the webtable,this contains some data, how do you manipulate the data.
what is the test object?
How to findout the number of spaces with in STRING For Ex : STRING is " RAJ IS A SOFTWARE ENGINEER " Please send me the answer
what are the different Frame Works in Quick Test Proffessional testing