The headquarters of International Red Cross are at: (a) Geneva (b) New York (c) Stockholm (d) Paris
2 9075In which sector of the Indian economy the Malhotra Committee on Reforms suggested changes? (1) Banking (2) Insurance (3) Exports (4) Imports
3 76681. What is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing? Give some examples of those companies which are doing Business in India more than 50 years and how they changed from traditional marketing to modern marketing.
1 11023Did you have access to all the modules(Requirements, Test plan,Test Lab, Defects, & Dashboard) in Quality Center(QC) or only to some particular ones?
1 3999How can I open a EXCEL file from QTP Resultviewer with reporter.ReportEvent function call. Example: Test files for details click "here". And clicking "Here" in the resultviewer will open a local EXCEL FILE.
2016Post New ING Interview Questions
Describe the collagen growth assay i.e branching morphogenesis?
What are the port numbers of task tracker?
How node.js works?
What happens if a primary key constraint is disabled and then enabled without fully specifying the index clause?
what is joint venture?
What is difference between orderitemadd and orderitemupdate
How is xsl different from cascading style sheets? Why is a new stylesheet language needed?
Explain 3nf?
What does select count (*) mean in sql?
Why do we use stacks?
What are bucket fields? : salesforce reports and dashboards
Mention in simple terms what is the difference between asset, equity, and liabilities?
Does React use HTML?
Can you define feature vector?
Explain the operation of 1φ sinusoidal ac voltage controller?