Hi Friends,will any body tell to Me for which Auomation
Tool their is great Requirement inht eMarket Eithr the QTP
or WINRUNNER and for what reason and how long it is going
to remain and wat the Scope for the automation Testing In
the Future Please tll to Me In Details Ok .
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Answer / vasu
Ya, Good Question u had asked,but one thing u have to keep
in mind that is In general Small companies gofor Manual
Testing and large may r may not gofor Automation but,Manual
Testing will be there
All this depends on the Level of the compnay
Now All the Levels companies are going for automation
obviously to reduce the repetition of work
Right now many companies are hiring test engineer with QTP
as automation,Better to prepare for QTP
An extended demand will be there for automation in future.
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Answer / ritesh
Truly speaking, Winrunner is getting outdated and fading
and the scripting language is TSL for Winrunner Vs VBScript
which is key language that people are using for QTP ( you
can use other Scripting / Programming languages too with
Undoubtedly QTP is better tool than Winrunner. QTP is there
to stay for long time.
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I AM TRYING PORT CODE FROM WINRUNNER TO QTP AND DON'T KNOW TO HOW TO CHECK THE ERRORS. IN WINRUNNER FUNCTION RETURNS EIGHER 0 OR -1 AGAINST WHICH RESULT CAN BE MADE PASS OR FAIL BUT IN QTP I DON'T SEE FUNCTIONS RETURNING ANY VALUE. APPRECIATE IF ANYONE COULD HELP ME CONVERTING FOLLWOING WINRUNNER CODE TO QTP. set_window("Customer Service"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Summary","#2","#4",ssn,""," ",1); if (rc != E_OK) { report_msg("[GetSubscriberSummary] Could Not get subscriber SSN; rc = "&rc); myRC = rc; } else { ssn = StripBlank(ssn); if (DEBUG) report_msg ("[GetSubscriberSummary] SSN: "&ssn); }
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