Does mysql_real_escape_string prevent sql injection?
What is the difference between RDBMS and DBMS?
20 Answers Practical Viva Questions, Sapient, Stag Computers,
When we give SELECT * FROM EMP; How does oracle respond?
24 Answers Accenture, HCL, Infosys,
difference between SQL and C
1 Answers Indus Software Technologies,
Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)
Why procedure is used in sql?
What is Pragma EXECPTION_INIT ? Explain the usage ?
What does seeding a database mean?
What is the main reason behind using an index?
What is pl sql code?
Can a foreign key be null?
Is it possible to read/write files to-and-from PL/SQL?
Does access use sql?