Is it possible to read/write files to-and-from PL/SQL?
How to get second highest salary from a table
what is index? : Sql dba
Can we use ddl statements in stored procedure sql server?
What is the difference between delete, truncate and drop command?
Find out the 3rd highest salary?
51 Answers BirlaSoft, DAC, Silvia Infotech, Sutra Infotech,
What is left join example?
Write a pl/sql script to display the following series of numbers: 99,96,93……9,6,3?
Why do we use set serveroutput on?
what are the drivers in mysql? : Sql dba
what are pl/sql collections?
4 Answers JPMorgan Chase, Oracle,
Explain normalization and what are the advantages of it?
define primary key & secondary key?