How many disk partitions should I have?
What is the usage of nvl function?
suppose I have two table one Emp and other is dpt. Emp table has a field ,dept id,name ,sal and dpt table has a field dept id,dept name. Now I want to find out the emplyee list whose sal is between 2000-3000 from dept x.
7 Answers Geometric Software, IBM,
How do I audit the sql sent to the server?
Why do we use sql constraints?
create a store procedure and created synonms for that store procedure after modify that store procedure will effect on synonms? If we delete the store procedure what happened to that synonms?
What can you do with pl sql?
source destination distance chennai bangalore 500 bangalore chennai 500 hyd delhi 1000 delhi hyd 1000 bangalore hyd 800 Here chennai to bangalore and bangalore to chennai is same distance. and hyd and delhi also same criteria. Based on the distance i want to display only one row using sql query?
how to escape special characters in sql statements? : Sql dba
What is schema in sql example?
What is PL/SQL table ?
What does where 1 1 mean in sql?
how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba