What is schema in sql example?
how to shut down the server with 'mysqladmin'? : Sql dba
how do you control the max size of a heap table? : Sql dba
Is a table valued function object?
what is cross join? : Sql dba
What are the different ddl commands in sql?
Differences between Oracle 9i and 10g (Probably in terms of SQL and PL/SQL)?
how to get enames with comma seperated values by deptwise on emp table?
What are sql procedures?
What are all the different normalization?
What is nvl function?
hello..... i am an comp science engineering graduate planning to do ORACLE certification in PLSQL 9i. just wanted to know whats the possibility getting job is their openings???? is it worth doin that course n certification
What is rename command in sql?