What are all the different types of indexes?
SELECT flavor, SUM (ice_cream_sales) FROM sales_detail GROUP BY flavor ORDER BY 2 DESC If the "sales_detail" table contains ten records with different values in the flavor column (two "vanilla," three "chocolate," four "strawberry," and one NULL), how many rows are returned by the sample code above? 1. 0 rows 2. 1 row 3. 3 rows 4. 4 rows 5. 10 rows
Is keyword pl sql?
how to analyze tables with 'mysqlcheck'? : Sql dba
Is grant a ddl statement?
How do I view output in sql developer?
What is nosql db?
write a query to find 4th max salary
What is the purpose of design view?
What is the use of prepared statement?
How does a trigger work?
How exception is different from error?
How do you rank data in sql?