What is 2nf example?
What types of replication are supported in sql server?
How are SQL Server databases physically stored under Windows 2000?
two tables are there.1st table EMP has two columns ID and name and contains data 1,A 2,B 3,C 2nd table EmpSal has 2 columns ID and Salary Contains data -1,1000 2,5000 3,3000 Find name of employee having maximum salary ?
Can we create a clustered index on composite primary key.
What do you mean by an execution plan? Why is it used?
What are scalar functions?
Explain various On-Delete options in a DB table. Which is the default option?
0 Answers Akamai Technologies,
Explain what is the difference between a local and a global temporary table?
Can we move Resource database from one path to another? If yes,How can we?
What is the difference between clustered index and primary key?
what is new philosophy for database devises for sql server 7.0? : Sql server database administration
What function does a database engine serve in the sql server?