What function does a database engine serve in the sql server?
what is curser.
Does sql server use java?
How to retrieve duplicate rows in a table? How to delete the duplicate entries in a table?
15 Answers Leo Technologies, Mannar Company, Synechron,
What is the difference between createstatement and preparedstatement?
Distinguish between nested subquery and correlated subquery?
Explain the commands in sql server?
i have account table which consists of account name,card no and card no consists 16 digits now i want to retrieve the data if card no starts from 4 then it should print visa and if it starts from 5 then it should print master so plse help me to write simple query with out store procs .
What is a linked server in sql server?
What is store procedure? How do they work?
What is the system function to get the current user's user id?
how many no of arguments can be passed in procedures and functions
Differentiate between SQL and ORACLE joins and write their syntax.