How to find which stored procedure is currently running in sql server?
Suppose you want to implement the following relationships while designing tables. How would you do it?a.) One-to-oneb.) One-to-manyc.) Many-to-many
What is the default order of an order by clause?
How to specify the collation for a character data type in ms sql server?
Difference between Inner vs outer joins?
What is the need for indexing?
How to a Query to copy data from on table to another table.
Is there any difference between primary key and unique with the not null condition?
How to create user defined functions with parameters?
can you any body tell me simple recovery,full recovery,bulk logged recovery where can use?
Explain about extended stored procedure?
What are the basic features of a trigger in ms sql server?
What is the difference between migration and upgradation in sql server?