How does ELISA work?
What is the five main product offered by tableau company?
Differentiate between arraylist and vector.
Is exe a virus?
what is gas turbine intercooling ?
How to see the event list of an existing trigger using sys.trigger_events?
Explain the role of sub directory app/controllers and app/helpers.
What is excel xml map?
What are the requirements for developing iphone apps?
What do you understand by session variables and where are they used?
A Lorry driver damaged shed shutter and we deduct 2000/- from his freight amount now what is the head for the Deducted amount?
What are css modules in react?
What is a transition plugin in bootstrap?
Explain 3nf?
diff b/w dwh & data mart diff b/w star schema & snow flake schema diff b/w fact table & dimension table what are the contents in requirement specification what are the docs needed for testing draw ur proj architecture