what usually indicates that ur virtual user script has dynamic data that is dependent on u parameterized fields?
2 9822Post New IBM Interview Questions
Explain .net framework overview?
Can I convert exe to apk?
how many modules in ur bank project? what functionalities r there?how did u check? could u plz expalin ur banking project?
What is detached entity in hibernate?
What is a formula to calculate working capital?
What do the major organs of the digestive system do?
What is the origin of CSS ?
State the kirchoff`s laws.
What is css counter-increment property?
What are the pc function use to control the translate values dynamically?
Which programming languages are used for ios development?
What is Training set in machine learning?
How will you create custom module and what are the files required for to create module?
How do I install a font?
how to fall in love?