Do foreign keys improve performance?
Explain the types of joins in sql?
What is trigger point?
Can I learn sql in a week?
Why is sql better than hql?
real time applications of nullif?
how can you create an empty table from an existing table? : Sql dba
What is sql key?
using cursors salesman get bonus as 10% of their salary , managers get 20% , analalist get 30%. generae a report showing the employee name, salary , bonus.
What is meant by temporal data?
what happens when the column is set to auto increment and you reach the maximum value for that table? : Sql dba
I have one Excel file with 1,50,000 Records. Now I need to load that whole file into Oracle Database with same columns in Excel sheet . I need PLSQL Procedure or used by SQL PLUS
how to find the First and Last Observation from the table: Ex: OBS Name Sal Ans like: OBS Name Sal 105 E 5000--> 105 E 5000 102 B 2000 104 D 4000 103 C 3000 101 A 1000--> 104 D 4000