how can you create an empty table from an existing table? : Sql dba
What is the purpose of the partition table?
How we get all_group_function's(Sum,avg,count,max and min_value of a column(Sal) Using pl/sql anonymous block, with out using group function's. You shouldn't use more than one select statement in entire the program. Like cursor c is select * from <table_name>; except this you can't use another select statement. You can use no of variables as per requirement.
what is a scheduled jobs or what is a scheduled tasks? : Sql dba
what are the differences between char and nchar? : Sql dba
How many databases can sql express handle?
what are the differences among these table level lock modes - IN SHARE MODE, IN SHARE UPDATE MODE, IN EXCLUSIVE MODE ?
What is the use of partition by in sql?
What are the types of sql commands?
How to improve the performance of a pl/sq stored procedures or functions or triggers and packages ?
12 Answers IBM, TCS, UHD,
what is msql? : Sql dba
Explain some predefined exceptions.
What is window clause?