What is a print index?
How to defragment table indexes?
What is an index in sql?
As a part of your job, what are the DBCC commands that you commonly use for database maintenance?
what's the information that can be stored inside a bit column? : Sql server database administration
i have a table student like sname ----- ram ram ram raj raj raj i need the output like sname ----- ram raj ram raj ram raj
List some advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure?
What are the steps to follow to configure SQL*Net?
What are the diifferences between the ms sql server vs mysql?
What is the difference between ‘having’ clause and a ‘where’ clause?
Explain what are the restrictions while creating batches in sql server?
i have account table which consists of account name,card no and card no consists 16 digits now i want to retrieve the data if card no starts from 4 then it should print visa and if it starts from 5 then it should print master so plse help me to write simple query with out store procs .
What is transaction server distributed transaction?