What are the diifferences between the ms sql server vs mysql?
Why functions are used in sql server?
Which one is faster delete/truncate? Why?
Explain what are various ways to enhance the ssrs report?
Why you need indexing? Where that is stored and what you mean by schema object? For what purpose we are using view?
What are the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
What happens if null values are involved in bitwise operations?
hi i am having .mdf file and .ldf file ..how can i get the all table in my .mdf..plz give solution
How do you open a cluster administrator?
How can I create a plain-text flat file from SQL Server as input to another application?
What is the default order of an order by clause?
What is the difference RDBMS and Graph Database?
How many non clustered indexes there can be on table ?