List some advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure?
What is dimension table? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is local temp table?
You are designing a database for your human resources department in the employee table, there is a field for social security number, which cannot contain null values if no value is given, you want a value of unknown to be inserted in this field what is the best approach?
Define normalisation?
How to get the count of distinct records. Please give me the query?
What are the benefits of normalization?
I am Having tables T1 and T2 both having same data how to check (or) compare the data in both table are same?
How to write the storeprocedure with in the store procedure? and how can we write the store procedure with in a trigger vice versa? plz post me the exact answer?
Let us say the SQL Server crashed and you are rebuilding the databases including the master database what procedure to you follow?
About Indexed Views? with example? plz reply...
What is the definition for sql server 2000?
Explain about Joins?