What is $$ in sql?
How to process query result in pl/sql?
What is sql partition?
How many types of relationship are there?
what are the differences between procedure-oriented languages and object-oriented languages? : Sql dba
What port does sql server use?
how many sql ddl commands are supported by 'mysql'? : Sql dba
display records from 5 to 9 using rowid or rownum
What are schema-level triggers?
what is top in tsql? : Transact sql
What are the benefits of triggers?
- Types of triggers - View - Dcl - Procedures, packages, functions - Metasolve - Can use Dcl in triggers - package case study - Cursor and its types - triggers schedule - Wrap - Why we are using fetch and for in cursor. difference?
What are the conditions an underlying table must satisfy before a cursor can be used by a positioned update or delete statement? : Transact sql