if a man byes 1 lt of milk for 12 Rupees and mixes with 20% of water and sells it for Rs. 15 then what is percentage of gain
11 27363what is the difference between abstract class and Interface?where we can use it in realtime projects?
23 66250when i post a billing document for free goods how can i exclude for a line item (cost element type 1),not to create a profitability segment but only a cost center thanks in advance
1763Post New Agile Software Interview Questions
When using replication, can some members use journaling and others not?
What is postgis used for?
What is data abstraction in sql?
What is the difference between textContent and innerText?
Explain profile in terms of networking concept?
What is swing delegation event model in java?
what is the difference between seton lr and retrn?
What happened if C.T mount at any cable or Bus bar in wrong direction . C.T going on proper work or not . C,T direction is essential thing to properly work.
Can we return resultset in java?
Can we convert exe to apk?
test cases for bus transport (TNSTC)
How to call a function of a module by using its name (a string)?
What is xml based validation in struts2?
What is the report model project?
Explain few considerations for @future annotation in apex?