How do you update sql?
Mention what is the function that is used to transfer a pl/sql table log to a database table?
What is sql partition?
declare lowerl number:= 1; upperl number:= 3; num varchar2(10); begin for i into lowerl..upperl loop num:=num||to_char(lowerl); if i=3 then upperl:=5; end loop; message(num); What will be the output ?
What are the uses of merge?
Q1.all the depts which has more then 10 empls? Q2.all the dept which does not have any emply? Q3 all the emp which does not have any dept? Q4 get all the emply detais with the dept details it dept is exit otherwise any emp details? Q5 how to debugg the dynamic sql and packages?
How do I clear the screen in sql plus?
what eliminate duplicate without using roenum and not
Write the order of precedence for validation of a column in a table ?
What is an exception in PL/SQL? What are the two types of exceptions?
Why do we use cursors?
explain mysql aggregate functions. : Sql dba
What are the types of records?