Mention what is the function that is used to transfer a pl/sql table log to a database table?
What does where 1 1 mean in sql?
What is the most common sql injection tool?
What is a trigger in pl/sql?
what is column? : Sql dba
Hi Everyone, How to get fist and last record from a table in oracle? Thanks in advance
SELECT emp_num, years, SUM(salary) FROM sales UNION ALL SELECT emp_id, SUM(takehomepay) FROM marketing What error is present in the sample code above? 1. Queries being combined with the UNION ALL statement are not allowed to have SELECT lists with a different number of expressions. 2. You are not allowed to use aggregate functions within two queries joined by a UNION ALL statement. 3. The UNION ALL statement incorrectly combines the "years" result from the first query with the "SUM (takehomepay)" result from the second query. 4. Unless the UNION ALL statement is replaced with a UNION statement, the queries will return duplicates. 5. The "emp_id" column from the second query must be renamed (or aliased) as "emp_num" so that it corresponds to the column name from the first query. Otherwise, the queries will not execute.
What is sql catalog?
Why is nosql good?
Is sql a case sensitive language?
What is numeric function sql?
What are stored procedures used for?
What is the maximum rows in csv?