How do I view a sql database?
I m giving Source, Destination and Age. Write a procedure or function, it will give to u this source to destination tickets are available or not, if available then check this person is senior citizen or not,if this person is senior citizen then give some discount. PLZ give this answer...... Thanks advance.....
What does closing a cursor do?
Is sql dba a good career? : SQL DBA
What is rownum?
What version is sql?
I want to know last five transactions or records from emp table, from now?
What are the datatypes a available in PL/SQL ?
What do you understand by exception handling in pl/sql?
Difference between inline query and stored procedure?
how to create table with in the procedure or function?
why does the selected column have to be in the group by clause or part of an aggregate function? : Sql dba
Is sql difficult?