What is foreign key in sql with example?
How do I filter in sql profiler?
What is set transaction?
what is the difference between char_length and length? : Sql dba
how to create a new table by selecting rows from another table in mysql? : Sql dba
What is a package ? What are the advantages of packages ?
what is the forward decleration in packages?
What is sql in oracle?
wirte a query to filter improper date format follwing table? date 20-apr 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010 feb-2009 i want the output date 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010
how to retrieve only duplicate values in a table
what is single byte over head in oracle..?
oracle is compiler or interpretter,can any one tell me the answer?
What are the various restrictions imposed on view in terms of dml?