What are the various restrictions imposed on view in terms of dml?
How can get second highest salary in sql?
What is difference between inner join and cross join?
Explain commit, rollback and savepoint.
What are the differences between in and exists clause?
Does oracle roll back the transaction on an error?
Let us suppose we have a table with structure in order empno empname empdesig empcountry and now i want to re-organize the columns of this table to empno empdesig empname empcountry how can i do this with queries ? assume that table contains the data.
What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
15 Answers Johns Hopkins University, Tech Mahindra,
what is primary key? : Sql dba
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Explain sql data types?
how do you control the max size of a heap table? : Sql dba
What has stored procedures in sql?