What is primary key sql?
What are the advantages of sql?
what happens if null values are involved in expressions? : Sql dba
How can I change database name in sql?
Why is there a need for sqlcode and sqlerrm variables?
How to write pl sql program in mysql command prompt?
what are Dynamic SQL statements?
What is indexes?
I have following column in the table. col1 1 a b c 2 3 d and I want to display it as num chars 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d numbers in one column and letters in another column.
what is view? : Sql dba
What is window clause?
what are the differences between get and post methods in form submitting. Give the case where we can use get and we can use post methods? : Sql dba
How many scalar data types are supported in pl/sql?