what are Dynamic SQL statements?

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / tharanath.n

A SQL statement is dynamic if it is constructed
at runtime and then executed.
we can use ddl commands by dynamic sql, without we can't

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / soujanya

A SQL statement is dynamic if it is constructed
at runtime and then executed.

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / srikanth


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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / naresh

Basically Dynamic SQL means, you'll construct a SQL
statement dynamically while runtime and run it.

Why this needed: Since the stored database objects
(Procedures and Functions and others) will be compiled while
creating and stored inside a database.so everything has been
checked already. so whenever you make a call to these
programs they will directly run withou compiling second time.
since it runs without compiling you cannot use DDL commands
inside a stored program.

So to avoid this you can directly mention Execute Immediate
keywords in front of a SQL query dynamically in your
block.so that it'll work this time.

Hope this helps.

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / brahmam

-> the combination of Sql and Plsql is called dynamic Sql.
when ever sql statements executed runtime then we are using
Execute immediate clause in executable section of the plsql block.

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / thanvi

Both compilation and execution happens at the time.It will be useful where we don't know (the value of col_name or table_name) till runtime.
-Compilation means checks for the syntax.

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / tharanath.n

A SQL statement is dynamic if it is constructed
at runtime and then executed.
we can use ddl commands by dynamic sql, without we can't

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / vishal kumar

Sql statement should be written in quotes like

'select table1.col1, tabel2.col2 from table1,table2 where
and we can execute through below command "execute immidiate"
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select table1.col1, tabel2.col2 from
table1,table2 where table1.col3=table2.col4'

it execute at runtime, means its not allowed as static.

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what are Dynamic SQL statements?..

Answer / manoj

It take value dynamicaly at run time

Need:- If we need DDL in programming as "CREATE, INSERT"

.. It always written in single
quote " 'sql_statement ' " both end
with termination " ; "

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