What is #table in sql?
when MSQL8.0 is in market
what is the difference between varray and table data type..please expalain with some examples... under what situation you will go for varray..instead of index by table...
a. Can you delete data from a View. b. If Yes, can you delete it if there are multiple tables c. If No, can you delete if there is single source table which is joining.
Which is the best place to learn hadoop?
What does select top 1 do in sql?
What is exception? What are the types of exceptions?
How to find only %th Highest Sal
What is pl sql and why it is used for?
Can we alter stored procedure?
Advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure?
Explain what is a field in a database and record in a database?
four procedures is are there should i write their in a package