How to open a new test using quicktest professional?
what is clean sweep?
How can you give wait up to 10 seconds in qtp?
How to send QTP test results to an email...(with out using Quality Center)?
How iteration is related to Test Results in QTP?
how can i replace any text from the qtp script with some anothere text
1.How recognize QTP Dyanamic Image? (suppose tha wedpage contains 3 logos..1 square 3.rectangel)there changing at same position how to capture that)
How will you test a keyboard?
What is output value?
when we enter url,one page should open.write a vb script ,that page is open or not
2 Answers Blue Chip India, Persistent,
Hi, I Would Like to Know which is the Best QTP Certification Training Institute in Hyd? Thanks in Advance kishan
What r the different type of reports generated in Quality Center?
Synchronozation types in QTP