Give me examples for high severity and low priority
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Answer / shilpa reddy
hardware defects comes under high severity defects.under
this defect if analyse
high proirity defect:-if build is not accepting any h/w
device then it comes under high priority.
low priority defect:-if build is accepting h/w device but
o/p is wrong from the device then it is considered as low
priority defect.
one thing to remember is
severity:severity means seriousness of the defect with
respect to functionality.
priority:priority means importance of the defect w.r.t to
customer expectation.
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Answer / m.srikanth
If we miss the Sign-in button on the login screen we
consider it has a severity and there is any colour changes
in home page we will consider it has a low prirority.
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Answer / sudhar
if we miss any company logo it makes an high serrity
acdording to client and low proroty to us
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