What types of commands can be executed in sql*plus?
What is linq to sql?
What is microsoft t sql?
What does := mean in pl sql?
How do you modify a table in sql?
What is the difference between a database and a relational database?
What is sql constant?
What is the difference between nvl function, ifnull function, and isnull function?
Is sql difficult?
Table Order_Name has a column Order_Date which gives the date & Time at which the order is passed.Find the table to write a query to find out the latest order.
hi sql gurus, here is my question 4 u. i wanna use triggers for sending reminder mail to all users who are registered to the site. if any one knws the code plz send me ans here : chayabs3@gmail.com thnx advance
What is not in sql?
Mention what is the function that is used to transfer a pl/sql table log to a database table?