what are tables and fields? : Sql dba
i have a table emp and columns ename,empno,mgr_id,i need ename,manager name as result i.e employee respective manager.. example empno ename mgr_id 1 john 3 2 paul 3 3 smith 1 4 kevin 1 5 stewart 2 result has to look like this ename manager john smith paul smith smith john kevin john stewart paul can u plz help me out in this.....
What is pivot in sql?
Delete duplicate records in the emp table.
What do you understand by exception handling in pl/sql?
What is the default isolation level in sql server? : Transact sql
Is sql a programming?
Write a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee_table?
Why truncate is used in sql?
What is sql partition?
write a pl/sql function if enter a value=0 then output value=1 and vise verse with out using if and case statements.
What is sql partition function?
Explain exception handling in pl/sql?