tell us something about heap tables. : Sql dba
2. Select A.A from ( select 1 as from dual Union select 1 as from dual)A Full outer join ( select 1 B from dual Union select 2 B from dual)B On A.A=B.B
What is sql profiler in oracle?
write an sql query to find names of employee start with 'a'? : Sql dba
What is join view in sql?
which command using query analyzer will give you the version of sql server and operating system? : Sql dba
How to maintain the history of code changes of pl/sql?
Give the structure of the procedure ?
explain access control lists. : Sql dba
Is it possible to Restore a Dropped Table using Rollback Command in Oracle SQL Plus ?
What is a sql instance vs database?
what are the differences among rownum, rank and dense_rank? : Sql dba
What is normalization and types of normalization?
22 Answers Etisbew, F-TEC, Microsoft, TechProcess,